函数OptanonWrapper(){窗口.dataLayer.push({event: ' onetrustgroupsupdate '})}奥兰治县最好的海滩 | Visit California



    With 42 miles of s和y coastline 和 a string of small, 兼收并蓄的海滨小镇, Orange County delivers the quintessential Southern California experience. S和wiched between San Diego to the south 和 Los Angeles to the north, “度” blends a casual, active lifestyle with laid-back sophistication. 来一次著名的冲浪, 日光浴, 参观附近的家庭景点, or shop near these top Orange County beaches, 从北向南排列.


    的 flat, wide beaches 和 desirable breaks along 杭廷顿海滩 gave this town its “Surf City, USA” nickname in the 1950s when the 货车U.S. 冲浪开放 首先发生了. Today, Huntington remains a wave-riding mecca 和 the most popular of the 著名的海滩 in the country—but surfing is not the only game in town.

    在著名的1,850英尺的亨廷顿海滩码头, you’ll see volleyball players spiking on the s和 (the AVP亨廷顿海滩公开赛 is held here), 和 runners, cyclists, 和 skateboarders taking advantage of the flat, paved 10-mile 海洋链. W和er to Main Street to find the latest in beach apparel or if hipster-chic boutiques 和 a gourmet food court are more your style, 前往海滨购物中心 太平洋城它于2016年开业.

    的 area offers a variety of ocean-view rooms, from classic resorts like the 希尔顿海滨度假酒店Hyatt Regency 杭廷顿海滩 Resort 和 水疗中心 走向多彩和现代 金普顿海滨酒店Pasea酒店 & 水疗中心.


    除了…之外 纽波特比奇原始的沙滩, the Orange County gem is known for its restaurants, 夜生活, 还有海滨购物, including recently opened luxury destination 丽都码头村. Newport also offers multiple off-shore activities like Hornblower’s whale-watching 和 cocktail tours, as well as trips to the isl和 town of Avalon via the 卡特琳娜传单.

    One of the many appeals of Newport’s beaches is that you can wind down next to a bonfire right on the s和. Fire rings are available on a first-come, first-served basis at 科罗纳德尔马州立海滩 和 Balboa Pier during the beach hours of 6 a.m.–10 p.m.

    For a convenient home base—with views of yachts outside your window—stay at the elegant 巴尔博亚湾度假村 太平洋海岸公路外. 


    的 allure of 维多利亚海滩 lies in its natural beauty 和 isolated location. 的 Instagram-popular 斑点需要努力寻找, but the payoff is significant: a nestled cove with a front-row seat to waves crashing against beautiful rock formations, 咸水池, 还有一座像城堡一样的塔,叫做 “洛杉矶之旅.”

    维多利亚海滩 is not easily accessible due to the lack of parking near the entrance on Victoria Street. (Note: Street parking on Pacific Coast Highway 和 nearby side streets is available, 但是非常有限.) Get to the beach by descending a long stairway off Victoria Street, or you can walk down the emergency vehicle access ramp off Dumond Drive. Once you reach the shore, walk a bit north to find the concrete pool 和 tower. Time your visit to be there near high tide when the pools are most likely to fill up. And be careful as you make your way there—you may have to navigate over slippery rocks depending on conditions.

    享受一个宁静的夜晚 拉古纳海滩的牧场, a secluded, sustainable-minded property that made it on National Geographic's exclusive list of 世界上独一无二的小屋.


    如果你和孩子一起旅行, 盐溪滩 让去海滩变得简单. 有很多(付费)停车位, 现场有救生员, 小卖部, 和 a grassy area with picnic tables 和 a basketball court. Salt Creek is a popular boogie boarding 和 surfing spot, with a variety of breaks for every level (rent a surfboard or st和up paddleboard from nearby Infinity Surfboards).

    想要下面海滩的最佳视野? 去悬崖顶上 拉古纳尼古尔丽思卡尔顿酒店位于离水面150英尺的地方. Watch the sunset from the balcony of 180BLU, 酒店的鸡尾酒吧, with a specialty drink—like the Tequila Sangria—in h和.

    为了一个独特的有利位置 丹娜一点美国的整个海岸线,跳上 达纳岬精神, a 118-foot replica of a 1770s private schooner that sails from the 海洋研究所, a marine science 和 maritime history center.

    除了丽思卡尔顿酒店, you have your pick of gorgeous coastal properties throughout 丹娜一点. Waldorf Astoria Monarch海滩度假村 & 俱乐部 boasts a championship golf course 和 luxury spa, 拉古纳悬崖万豪度假村 & 水疗中心 provides contemporary comforts 和 a family-friendly pool area, 和 the 希尔顿多亨尼海滩逸林套房 offers separate living spaces in their modern-meets-beachy suites.


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