


The highest peak in the contiguous 美国 lures sightseers and summit trekkers to 孤松's Whitney Portal

向南航行 主教 on the eastern Sierra's main artery—Highway 395—和一个 massive wall of peaks rises to the west, 使小镇相形见绌 孤松 以及西式店面. 为这些花岗岩巨兽加冕是 惠特尼山, the loftiest peak in the lower 48 states, which scrapes the sky at 14,505 feet.

除了它高居榜首的高度, what distinguishes Whitney from other California "fourteeners" is the world-famous hiking trail leading to its summit. 在夏季, you don't need mountaineering skills to reach the top, 一流的健身, 大量的砂砾, 和一个 许可证 绑在你的背包上.    

How to Hike or Backpack to 惠特尼山's Summit

对于一些徒步旅行者来说, 登上惠特尼山 is the ultimate metaphor for achievement, the trophy that says you've gone as high as possible in the contiguous 美国. The peak's summit views are sublime: Its commanding position in the Sierra delivers a broad perspective on the range's stark, tree-less spine 和一个 granite landscape punctuated by deep blue lakes. The panorama encompasses the White Mountains, 死亡谷国家公园, 孤松,加上大部分 Sequoia and 国王峡谷国家公园.

But nothing this rewarding comes without a price. The summit trek challenges even the fittest hikers with its 22-mile distance and 6,200英尺的高度变化. Most hikers start at Whitney Portal before sunrise and complete the trip in 12 to 14 hours. 其他s carry a backpack and split the trip into two or more days, camping along the route at Outpost Camp or Trail Camp. 

只是在协商 许可证制度 requires perseverance: From May 1 to November 1, only 100 day-hikers and 60 backpackers may start the summit trek from Whitney Portal each day, so you must secure a 许可证 in advance. 7月, 8月, September are the most popular—that's when the trail is most likely to be snow-free.

Advance planners can apply for the annual 惠特尼山彩票, which takes place February 1 through March 15. If you miss that window, wait until May 1, when 网络预订 开放娱乐.政府. If you still can't get the dates you want, check back two weeks before your trip, 当额外的许可证发放时.

Where to See and Experience 惠特尼山

You can savor 惠特尼山's splendors without burning out your quadriceps. Get a wide-angle view of its soaring turrets from the Eastern Sierra Interagency Visitor Center 龙松镇南部. 或者往西开到 阿拉巴马州的山 and snap photos of Whitney's craggy needles framed in the graceful curves of 默比乌斯拱.

为了近距离观察, let your car do some mountain climbing: Zigzag 13 miles up Whitney Portal Road, 获得近5分,到人行道的尽头. The enormous granite cliffs surrounding Whitney Portal seem insurmountable, but this is where summit-bound hikers start their treks.

Stand near the pines and breathe the rarified air or stop in to the 惠特尼门户商店 to purchase a 惠特尼山 t-shirt or fridge magnet. Fuel up with pancakes that drape off your plate or a mountain-sized hamburger.

You can also explore the terrain on shorter, not-so-challenging hikes. 前两个.7 miles of the 惠特尼山 Trail lead to 孤松 Lake, a sparkling blue alpine tarn that invites lingering. (Permits are required to hike beyond the lake.)或浏览 Whitney Portal National Recreation Trail 下坡四英里 孤松露营地, following the path of 孤松 Creek. Save some energy for the uphill return trip or have your shuttle car waiting at the campground.   

Alternative Ways to Summit 惠特尼山

惠特尼山 is also accessible from other Sierra trails, including Inyo National Forest's 杨木通过以及红杉国家公园 高山小径, but the route is much longer than the Whitney Portal option. Consider joining a guided trip with outfitters like SWS山地导游塞拉山中心, or 南约塞米蒂山脉指南. They'll take care of all the logistics so all you need to do is train.




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