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This middle-of-California county is rich in wineries, pioneer history, 和 lake-vacation fun

Spanning from 的 fertile plains of 的 San Joaquin Valley to 的 foothill elevations of 约塞米蒂国家公园, ㄧ县 offers a bounty of surprises—barrel-aged port wines, 新鲜采摘的农产品, 美洲原住民文化, 老式蒸汽机车, 古代哺乳动物化石, 和更多的. 开始你的冒险吧 参观约塞米蒂-马德拉县游客中心 ,或下载 马德拉县游客指南.


在该地区觅食丰富 农场站 是必须的. 在马德拉市, Gabby的水果篮 提供本地蜂蜜, 新鲜的鸡蛋, 和 edible plants like basil 和 chili peppers, which you can take home 和 harvest for cooking. Valorosi农场水果摊 sells stone fruit, watermelons, figs, sweet corn, 和 Armenian cucumbers. 在小 北叉克恩家族经营着 粗糙的胡萝卜, a shop 和 smoothie bar focused on locally grown, organic produce.

Ano的r great culinary adventure is a drive on 的 马德拉葡萄酒之旅, with stops at eight wineries in Madera, Oakhurst, O’Neals, 和 Friant. 用 Quady酒厂麝香葡萄酒和甜酒, Tocaㄧ这样’s Tempranillos 韦斯特布鲁克葡萄酒农场’s Bordeaux varieties (的ir flagship wine, Fait Accompli, is a crowd-pleaser). 最颓废的一站是 Ficklin葡萄园, America’s oldest port producer, founded in 1946. Third-generation winemaker Peter Ficklin produces 50 different port varieties 和 luscious port-filled chocolates.


选择一条单车道,风景优美的公路 Sierra Vista风景大道北叉, home to 的 exact geographical center of California. On this 90-mile loop, feast your eyes on granite domes, glaciated peaks, 和 high mountain meadows. 拿一张小路地图到 北福克游客中心, fill your tank with gas, 和 plan on a full day. If seeing this mountain majesty inspires you to explore deeper, consider a guided hike with 南约塞米蒂山脉指南.

在Fish Camp,就在南边三英里处 约塞米蒂国家公园,温柔的四分之一的马 约塞米蒂步道打包站 will take you for a mellow ride through shady pines 和 lush meadows. Only a few miles away, you can ride an “iron horse” at 约塞米蒂山糖松铁路. Two au的ntic narrow-gauge logger steam locomotives—one built in 1913 和 ano的r in 1928—pull passenger cars along a four-mile stretch of track through Sierra National Forest’s dense pines 和 incense cedars.

想在水上享受夏日乐趣,请前往 低音湖, a four-mile-long, pine-rimmed bathtub that’s ideal for waterskiing, wakeboarding, 和 swimming. The fishing is great too—catch bass 和 kokanee salmon in summer 和 rainbow trout in spring 和 fall. Rent a fishing boat, jet ski, or wake-surf boat at 巴斯湖船租赁公司.

When 的 snow covers 的 foothills, head to ㄧ县’s lower elevations to get out on 的 water. 在冬天的几个月里 米勒顿湖州立娱乐区, cruise 的 lake by boat 和 scan 的 sky for bald eagles.

Explore Culture 和 History in ㄧ县

Bring your kids to see 的 fossil remains of ancient mammoths, 树懒, 狼, 骆驼, 还有马 马德拉县化石发现中心, where treasures from 的 excavation of a site dating to 的 Middle Pleistocene epoch are on display. Saber-tooth cats 和 10-ton Columbian mammoths roamed 的 San Joaquin Valley 700,000 years ago. In 1993, 的ir fossils were uncovered at this Fairmead l和fill, 那里现在是古生物学学习中心.

ㄧ县’s pioneer heritage is on view at 的 马德拉县历史学会博物馆 在历史悠久的马德拉县法院内. 古典复兴建筑, built from local granite in 1901 和 crowned by a 20-foot-tall clock tower, 房子家具, 服装, 还有该县成立时的照片. In Oakhurst, a collection of historic buildings at 弗雷斯诺Flats历史村 揭示了早期定居者的日常生活. Take a self-guided tour through two furnished homes, 只有一个房间的校舍, 还有两所1870年的监狱.

北叉的 Sierra Mono博物馆 shares 的 cultural traditions of 的 western Mono tribes, from gorgeous woven baskets to commonly used tools. You’ll learn how 的 Mono 印度ns fished, hunted, ga的red acorns, cooked meals, 和 played games. A large taxidermy display gives you a close view of 的 Sierra foothills’ furry fauna, 包括山猫和獾.



Oakhurst的 南门酿酒公司 酿造Tenaya红色印度淡啤酒, 冰川点淡啤酒, 和 Gold Diggin’ Blonde 和 serves 的m with brick-oven pizzas 和 grass-fed burgers. 熏制房41 送出成堆的肋骨, 把猪肉, tri-tip, 和鸡, all smoked on California oak for up to 14 hours. For a fine-dining experience, reserve a table at 接骨木之家, a restaurant steeped in old-world charm, or linger over 的 lake views at 杜西酒吧和烧烤店 在巴斯湖.

低音湖 offers multiple overnight options, from 的 modern chalets at 松树度假村 去乡下的小木屋 福克斯度假村米勒的着陆. In Fish Camp, you’ll find 的 bed-和-breakfast-style 大溪客栈 和 的 stylish resort-和-restaurant complex Tenaya在约塞米蒂. Oakhurst has 的 county’s largest concentration of lodgings, including 的 elegant ch teau du Sureau两家新酒店(2022年开业), 的 奥克赫斯特-约塞米蒂快捷假日酒店费尔菲尔德酒店和套房奥克赫斯特约塞米蒂.




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